FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How do I determine my child's age group ?

See the Age Group Chart at http://www.mankatounited.org/chart

What are the differences between Rec and Competitive levels of play?

Rec means “recreational." This is for all players in our 6U, 8U, and 10U programs. There are no tryouts and no players are cut. Players rotate field positions and each player present plays at least 50% of the game except for reasons of illness, injury, or attitude. Kids learn basic soccer concepts and skills, develop self-confidence, and have fun! All games are played in Mankato.

Competitive (also known as Traveling), is the highest level of play. This program accepts players from 9U to 19U through an evaluation process which occurs at the end of the summer season. Half the games are played in Mankato and half are played in surrounding communities, generally within 90 minutes of travel from Mankato. Competitive soccer focuses on individual and team excellence and provides opportunities for players to learn advanced soccer concepts and skills as well as teamwork, self-discipline, honesty, and self-confidence. Players must be willing to sacrifice and work together for the good of their team and accept that they may receive unequal amounts of playing time based on their differing abilities to contribute to team needs. There are multiple levels of play within the Competitive program (also known as traveling).

When are the MUSC soccer seasons?

Mankato United has two separate seasons: Summer and Fall.


The summer season typically has higher attendance and field teams from 5U through 19U. The summer season runs from April to mid-July. Competitive teams begin practice in January (2 days/week).


In the fall, the club runs teams 5U through 13U, and players older than 13U usually play high school soccer. The fall program is from early September to mid-October.


Registration for summer season closes the previous fall in order for winter training to begin. Registration for fall season closes at the end of July in order for training to begin in August.

Who runs Mankato United Soccer Club?

Volunteers (you)! MUSC is a non-profit volunteer-based community organization with volunteer board members who hold 3-year terms. Occasionally, there are open board positions, so please feel invited to get involved! There are many other ways in which you can volunteer to help the club grow and provide soccer to Mankato area families. Volunteer help is essential and the club can only be as strong as the volunteers who give their time and abilities.

When are the games and practices for rec?

The 6U-8U Rec summer program starts in late May and runs through June (5U begins in the fall). Teams are single gender and games are on Sunday evenings.

Each session for 5U-6U includes a warm-up, practice, and a small-sided game that take place at Good Shepard Lutheran Church.

The 7U - 10U program has games Sunday evenings plus one additional day each week of practice. All sessions take place in North Mankato.

When are the games and practices for competitive?

The 9U-19U summer Competitive program starts with indoor winter training. Training sessions occur from approximately January to mid-April with evening sessions during the week. In April games begin and are played on weekends through May and on weeknights through mid July. Additionally, teams usually sign up for 2 or 3 weekend tournaments.

The Competitive fall program is the same but runs from September to mid-October and is for 9U-13U with training beginning in August.

Who coaches the teams?

The 5U to 12U programs rely on volunteer caregivers who are the coaches. For younger teams, caregivers who first become involved may not have any soccer experience but successfully mature into good soccer coaches. Our club encourages coaches to become certified by attending coaching clinics along the way, but it is not mandatory. Please let us know if you are interested in coaching. We provide extensive support and coaching training opportunities.

For programs 13U and above, MUSC identifies and hires coaches whenever possible.

My child has signed up for soccer. When will I hear something?

Each program has separate registration periods. Once teams are formed and coaches are assigned, you will be notified through PlayMetrics. The coach and/or team manager will schedule a parent/player team meeting to discuss expectations, scheduling and other questions pertinent to the season.

What does my child need to bring to practice?

  • Players should come dressed in weather appropriate athletic clothing.
  • Players should wear shin guards with soccer socks over the top of the guards.
  • Players should bring a water bottle
  • Players should bring a occer ball (Size 3 for 5U-8U; Size 4 for 9U-12U; Size 5 for 13U+).
  • Soccer cleats are recommended for 9U and older players. Tennis shoes are ok for the 6U-8U program. Soccer cleats are different from baseball cleats in that they do not have a central cleat in the front toe area. If you have rubber baseball or multi-purpose shoes that have a central, front cleat, it needs to be removed. No metal cleats are allowed.
  • NOTE: indoor training at Ignition Fitness requires players to wear indoor cleats or tennis shoes.

Are there special rules for the younger kids or do they play the regular game?

As part of the Minnesota Youth Soccer Association (MYSA) rules, we play "small-sided games" on smaller fields in our younger age divisions.

  • 6U plays 3 v 3 with no keeper.
  • 8U plays 4 v 4 with no keeper.
  • 6U - 10U play with no "offside" rule. There are no direct kicks or penalty kicks.
  • 10U plays 7 v 7 with a keeper.
  • 12U plays 9 v 9, but otherwise full rules.
  • 13U and higher play full rules.

Do I have to fundraise?

Families are not required to participate in fundraisers as part of their obligation to play soccer. However, the club occasionally has opportunities you can participate in. Proceeds raised by your team go directly back to your team and can be used for several things, such as tournament fees.

Competitive teams require parent/caregiver volunteer hours.  Review the Volunteer Guidelines.

Are there any tournaments?

Teams 5U and older in Rec and D3 programs are required to participate in SoccerFest. This is a MUSC sponsored tournament that occurs on a Saturday in mid-June and is held in Mankato.

Competitive teams are provided a standard allotment of funds that can be used to pay for tournament registration fees. Each team registers for tournaments independently and is responsible for any fees that exceed MUSC team allotments.

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