Comparing Rec and Traveling Options for U9 and U10 Players

  • First, a player may not participate in both rec and traveling programs. 
  • Think carefully what program you want for your player for summer and fall seasons.
  • A $25 administrative fee will apply for any move between Rec and Traveling programs. Refund policy limitations still apply.

U9/10 Rec U9/10 Competitive
Registration Registration deadline is later since the club controls the schedule Registration deadline is earlier to set games with other clubs
Uniforms Basic Uniform Competitive-quality uniform
Practice 1 night/week 2 nights/week
Games All games in North Mankato Games split between home and away
Travel All travel is local Travel is regional in southern MN
Opponents Play Mankato teams Play other clubs
Tournaments SoccerFest 1-3 tournaments
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